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IEEE PES ESPAÑA | [Webinar(3) 31.05.2024] | Artificial intelligence for energy systems. Developments from TU_DELFT and CITCEA-UPC


IEEE PES ESPAÑA | | THE ENERGY TRANSITION| | Artificial intelligence for energy systems. Developments from TU_DELFT and CITCEA-UPCFrom IEEE PES SPAIN we continue with the series on the topicTHE ENERGY TRANSITION | Towards a DECARBONIZED ECONOMYThe energy transition towards a decarbonized economy will present a relevant challenge and a crucial transformation faced by our Society; Decelerating climate change effects is becoming a moral commitment.As a society, we are part of the decarbonized energy process that goes through the electrification of the economy and it is supported by renewables within a sustainable energy model.This means a change of paradigm which heads towards an immediate exciting future full of challenges at all levels associated with flexibility in its widest conception. It is assumed that a change of paradigm, that requires changing the focus from active based asset management towards the digitalization that ensures resiliency and security for the future electric systems.In this context, we need to contribute and stimulate the exchange of ideas from different perspectives and experiences, creating a framework of reflection through these series of webinars. The expected benefit and impact is the identification of opportunities within the complexity associated with the change of paradigm.In this webinar, researchers from CITCEA-UPC and TU-DELFT will explain their recent developments on artifcial intelligence applications for energy systems.Title: Artificial intelligence for energy systems. Developments from TU_DELFT and CITCEA-UPCContents: The workshop will start with an introduction to the main activities from TU Delft "AI Energy" Lab and CITCEA-UPC "Smart energy and grids" area, with special focus on machine learning applications for power systems. Developments from TU Delft "AI Energy Lab", include new computational methods for system operation and control that combine statistical machine learning and mathematical optimisation. Special attention will be paid to applications covering congestion managament, home energy management systems, security assessment and on the trust and generazability of AI. Developments from CITCEA-UPC "Smart energy and grids" will address data-driven services for enhancing the operation and planning of electrical distribution grids. In particular: non-technical losses estimation, behind-the-meter PV disaggregation, grid expansion planning and flexibility services for Balancing Responsible Parties.Speakers: Jochen Chremer (TU-Delft), Joan Marc Rodríguez Bernuz (CITCEA-UPC), Sara Barja (CITCEA-UPC), Mònica Aragüés (CITCEA-UPC), Marc Jené (CITCEA-UPC), Antonio E. Saldaña (CITCEA-UPC), Oscar Cabreara (CITCEA-UPC) and Adriano Caprara (CITCEA-UPC)Moderator: Joan Marc RodríguezDate: May 31, 2024Time: 10:00 - 13:00 (CET)Language: EnglishParticipation in these is open to everyone, including both PES Members and non-Members. However, REGISTRATION is necessary in order to receive the access link and URL to WebEx. The Connection link to this will be sent to the registrants by e-mail on the event day at 11:30 (CET).The Registration closes at 9:30 (CET) on May 31 2024. The direct access to the REGISTRATION is at further information: IEEE PES ESPAÑA | : IEEE PES ESPAÑA System issues participation certificates in these to the attendees under request. The necessary condition for the System to issue the certificate is that the attendee must participate with at least one voice question during the question time.Looking forward to seeing you.Best regards,Mònica Aragüés Peñalba - monica.aragues@upc.eduAssociate Professor at UPC and Resarcher at CITCEA-UPC(, Women in Power representative of IEEE PES Spanish Chapter( Region 8 Spanish representativeSpeaker(s): J.L. Jochen Cremer, Joan Marc Rodriguez, Sara Barja, Mònica Aragüés, Marc Jené, Antonio E. Saldaña, Oscar Cabrera, Adriano CapraraVirtual:

IEEE PES ESPAÑA | [Webinar(2º) 16.05.2024] | An assessment of the Iberian Exception to control electricity prices


IEEE PES ESPAÑA | | THE ENERGY TRANSITION | Towards a DECARBONIZED ENERGY | An assessment of the Iberian Exception to control electricity pricesEstimados Miembros del Capítulo IEEE PES ESPAÑA y de la comunidad de sistemas eléctricos de potencia,Dear IEEE PES Spain Members and Colleagues from power and energy community,Continuing with the series on the topicLA TRANSICIÓN ENERGETICA | Hacia una ECONOMIA DESCARBONIZADATHE ENERGY TRANSITION | Towards a DECARBONIZED ECONOMYThe energy transition towards a decarbonized economy will present a relevant challenge and a crucial transformation faced by our Society; Decelerating climate change effects is becoming a moral commitment.As a society, we are part of the decarbonized energy process that goes through the electrification of the economy and it is supported by renewables within a sustainable energy model.This means a change of paradigm which heads towards an immediate exciting future full of challenges at all levels associated with flexibility in its widest conception. It is assumed that a change of paradigm, that requires changing the focus from active based asset management towards the digitalization that ensures resiliency and security for the future electric systems.In this context, we need to contribute and stimulate the exchange of ideas from different perspectives and experiences, creating a framework of reflection through these series of webinars. The expected benefit and impact is the identification of opportunities within the complexity associated with the change of paradigm.In this Tomás Gómez and Pedro Linares (Comillas) will share with us their assessment of the Iberian Exception to control electricity prices.Title: An assessment of the Iberian Exception to control electricity pricesContent: The Iberian Exception, the mechanism designed by the Spanish and Portuguese governments to address high electricity prices resulting from the gas price crisis in 2021 and 2022, has been met with controversy, both regarding its real impact on electricity prices and also its unintended consequences, such as increased (and subsidized) exports to France. In this paper we review the evidence on these impacts from different studies, concluding that the mechanism may have produced, depending on the assumptions, some reductions in electricity prices for Iberian consumers or none at all, but always at the expense of subsidies to French consumers and also increased rents for gas combined cycles, higher gas consumption, and larger CO2 emissions. Alternative mechanisms, such as a temporary single-buyer scheme, might have produced similar benefits without the downsides of the Exception.Speakers: Tomás Gómez and Pedro Linareas (Comillas)Date: May 16, 2024Time: 18:00 - 20:00 (CET)Language: SpanishParticipation in these is open to everyone, including both PES Members and non-Members. However, REGISTRATION is necessary in order to receive the access link and URL to WebEx. The Connection link to this will be sent to the registrants by e-mail on the event day at 11:30 (CET).The Registration closes at 11:30 (CET) on May 16, 2024. The direct access to the REGISTRATION is at( further information:: ( IEEE PES ESPAÑA System issues participation certificates in these to the attendees under request. The necessary condition for the System to issue the certificate is that the attendee must participate with at least one voice question during the question time.Looking forward to seeing you.Kind regards,Lukas Sigrist(, TreasurerE-mail: ( Tomás Gómez, Pedro LinaresVirtual:

IEEE PES ESPAÑA | [Webinar(1º) 02.05.2024] | Retos y desarrollos en la digitalización de las subestaciones: el bus de proceso


| LA TRANSICIÓN ENERGÉTICA | Retos y desarrollos en la digitalización de las subestaciones: el bus de procesoDesde IEEE PES ESPAÑA seguimos transitando por la serie de bajo la temáticaLA TRANSICIÓN ENERGETICA | Hacia una ECONOMIA DESCARBONIZADALa Transición Energética hacia una "Economía Descarbonizada" supondrá una de las mayores transformaciones que debe afrontar nuestra Sociedad en mucho tiempo; frenar los efectos del cambio climático se convierte una obligación moral. Por la parte que nos toca, descarbonizar la economía pasa por su electrificación, sustentada en las energías renovables y en un modelo energético sostenible.Todo ello apunta un futuro inmediato vibrante, con muchos desafíos a todos los niveles, asociados al concepto de flexibilidad en su concepción más amplia. Se asume un cambio de paradigma, que presupone pasar de un enfoque basado en activos a transitar por una digitalización que garantice resiliencia y seguridad en los sistemas eléctricos futuros.Es por ello que no queremos dejar pasar la oportunidad de contribuir a promover y estimular el intercambio de ideas desde diferentes experiencias, creando un marco de reflexión a través de esta serie de . El beneficio esperado, es el de identificar oportunidades en el seno de la complejidad asociada a este cambio de paradigma.En esta ocasión, los investigadores José Mª Saldaña Medina y Miguel Ángel Oliván Monge de la Fundación CIRCE Centro Tecnológico, nos compartirán las últimas novedades acerca de la digitalización de las subestaciones.Título: Retos y desarrollos en la digitalización de las subestaciones: el bus de procesoContenido - Se comenzará con una introducción a los protocolos IEC 61850 (GOOSE y SV) para digitalización de subestaciones, incluyendo la topología de las redes de comunicaciones y una explicación de los protocolos de redundancia HSR y PRP. También se tratará el problema de enviar tráfico IEC 61850 a través de Internet, para comunicar subestaciones remotas. Se explicarán algunas líneas de investigación abiertas actualmente, con el fin de mejorar y simplificar el envío a través de Internet, y comprimir el tráfico dentro de la subestación para reducir su ancho de banda. También se hablará de virtualización en plataformas centralizadas de protección y control (CPC). Se hará de una manera práctica, mostrando capturas de tráfico y resultados de experimentos con equipos reales en laboratorio.Ponentes: José Mª Saldaña Medina y Miguel Ángel Oliván Monge (Fundación CIRCE Centro Tecnológico)Moderador: Roberto Rocca (Fundación CIRCE Centro Tecnológico)Fecha: 02 mayo 2024Hora: 18:00 - 19:30 (Europa-Madrid)Idioma: EspañolEl acceso a este está abierto a tod@s los interesados, sean o no miembros de nuestro Capítulo, pero se requiere REGISTRO para recibir la conexión y URL a la plataforma WebEx. La conexión y URL a la plataforma WebEx será enviada a los registrados a las 11:30 del mismo día del evento.El REGISTRO se cierra a las 11:30 (En ESPAÑA) del jueves 02 de mayo 2024, y el acceso directo a REGISTRO en información IEEE PES ESPAÑA | : Sistema IEEE PES ESPAÑA genera certificado de participación en estos a los registrad@s que lo soliciten, inmediatamente tras finalizar el evento. La condición necesaria para que el Sistema emita el certificado, es que el interesad@ tiene que participar con al menos una pregunta de voz durante el turno de las mismas.Os esperamos.Un cordial saludo,Roberto RoccaSecretario, ( roberto.rocca@ieee.org José Mª Saldaña, Miguel Ángel OlivánVirtual: