The IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest (SPC) started in 1967, only four years after IEEE R8 was formed. The SPC was an initiative of the second R8 Director, Jean Lebel.
Once every year, each IEEE Region 8 (R8) Student Branch (SB) may hold a Student Paper Contest (SPC) under its own responsibility. And this contest has many rules.
The IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest (SPC) started in 1967, only four years after IEEE R8 was formed. The SPC was has a big history. It's held every year.So let's discover the previous editions.
❝ The SPC oral final is a perfect opportunity to get to know the far-reaching research conducted by researchers from other universities. You are able to see how they identify, analyze, and tackle the problems they encountered. Competing with four other final lists was also a great experience, from which I could learn a lot about how to conduct and present research. Last but not least, it is a great experience to travel to a new country and savor a different culture.❞
❝ The SPC Oral Finals were my first encounter with the world of conferences. It was a great experience, from learning to prepare a paper for publishing all the way to the actual presentation, and it gave me the confidence for all future challenges. The whole trip, especially the social part of it, was a very sweet cherry on top.❞
❝ The SPC has been an incredibly enriching experience for me. Writing a paper allowed me to drastically improve the way I present information, and also led me to a deeper understanding of my work while discussing some unexpected results. Presenting in front of such a jury has been an exciting moment that boosted my confidence. Last but not least, attending to the conference, listening to other researchers and meeting students and PhDs from all over the world has just been so thrilling. I really encourage future students to jump in this adventure, you won’t regret it.❞
❝ The SPC oral finals were my first real steps into academia. It was a wonderful experience, from the research to the presentation of the results to other experts in the field. The trip itself and the time spent with foreign colleagues was also a special experience that I will never forget.❞