Sectional Student Branch Officers Meeting Program

The Sectional Student Branch Officers Meeting Program focuses on gathering all Student Branch officers of each section in a Congress format. It aims to allow the sharing of ideas, practices, and different realities of each Student Branch. This program provides networking opportunities and contacts, ideas, and motivation to Student Branch officers. During the Meeting, each student branch will have an opportunity to present its achievements of the past year and plan its next year through special sessions for each possible activity of a student branch. It is important to mention that branches’ participation in section functions is part of the exemplary student branch award and this program provides exactly this opportunity to the student branches of the Region. These events take place in only one section at a time and are an excellent opportunity to prepare IEEE students’ branches for the upcoming year and help them in their operations and management.

Local Student Paper Contest

The IEEE Region 8 Student Activities Committee is announcing the Local Student Paper Contest Events Program. This program calls for section student activities and student branch leaders to submit their own version of a local student paper contest and get the chance to showcase their papers on the Regional Student Paper Contest.

New Initiatives Program

The initiative you are applying with either the SYP, Leadership Camp, Officer Meetup, or Booster Program to the IEEE Region 8 SAC needs to respect and adhere with the conditions stated below in order to be eligible for the funding
NB: Please also note that the funding amount can only be granted after the approval of the submission, the realization of the event and the submission of the required items listed below after the event.