Join us at the IEEE R8 Sectional SB Chapters Coordinator Training!

Are you ready to strengthen your Section’s student technical chapter activities?

The IEEE Region 8 Student Activities Committee is offering an in-person training session to empower Section Student Chapter Coordinators. The training will take place in Hammamet, Tunisia, from December 22 to 24, 2024, in conjunction with the IEEE Tunisian SYP (, sponsored by MGA.

This training is mainly intended for Section Student Chapter Coordinators or any officer involved in student chapter coordination. The goal is to provide training that promotes technical activities at the student level by ensuring coordinators are aware of the full range of opportunities offered by IEEE, its technical societies, and councils.

Through this training, we aim to strengthen relationships between regional and section SAC, and regional technical society representatives, while opening new avenues for collaboration and development of student-level technical activities, to enhance retention and facilitate the transition to professional membership.

Who can participate?

The IEEE R8 Sectional SB Chapters Coordinator Training is intended for sectional student chapter coordinators or any officer involved in student chapter coordination. Priority will be given to:

  1. Section SB Chapter Coordinators
  2. Section SB Coordinators
  3. Section Student Representatives
  4. Section SAC Chairs

How do I participate?

If you are interested in attending this training, please submit your application using THIS FORM as soon as possible. The application deadline is October 31, 2024, at 23:00 UTC+1.

The IEEE Region 8 SAC will cover accommodation, meals, and registration for selected participants. Travel grants may be available from your Section or technical chapters to attend the training during the Congress. We strongly encourage you to liaise with your section for support, as this training will greatly benefit your Section’s student activities.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Student Branch Chapters Coordinator at and cc

We look forward to having you join us for the training!