Student Activities in IEEE Region 8

In January 2025, led by Theodoros Chatzinikolaou, the 2025-26 IEEE Region 8 Vice-Chair, Student Activities, a cross-sectional, diverse, and talented team was brought together to kick-start the R8 Student Activities. This year, the R8 SAC team brings forward a new structure along with new initiatives. The main team consists of 6 members and 8 corresponding members, including the Chairs for the respective R8 Ad-hoc Committees for students. The three Ad-hoc committees are “Students Awards & Contests”, “Student Branch Leadership Support” and “Student Experience Portfolio Initiatives”. Together, the team is working to support and develop all aspects of R8 Student Activities. The aim is to provide excellent support to Student Branches, student volunteers, and student members in the region. The R8 SAC team operates different programs, training sessions, competitions, and awards that promote a growth-based ecosystem for all student activities in Region 8.

IEEE Region 8 Student Activities Committee

Theodoros Chatzinikolaou

2025-26 IEEE Region 8 Vice-Chair, Student Activities
2025-26 IEEE Region 8 Student Activities Committee Chair

Theodoros is a PhD Candidate in the ECE Dept of the Democritus University of Thrace, where he has received his Engineering Diploma with Integrated Master. His research interests focus on future and emerging computing systems and cutting-edge technologies with a focus on memristive circuits. As an active volunteer, he is currently serving the IEEE Region 8 as Vice-Chair, Student Activities, SAC Chair and HTAC Past-Chair. He has served various IEEE units including MGA SAC, Region 8, and his local Student Branch. He has received the IEEE MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award, the IEEE CASS Pre-Doctoral Grant, and the IEEE MGA Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award, among others.

Abdulrahman Mohammed

Student Representative

Khaldoun Taktak

Ad-hoc Chair, Student Awards and Contests

Ala Chalghaf

Ad-hoc Chair, Student Branch Leadership Support

Martyna Borak

Ad-hoc Chair, Student Experience Portfolio Initiatives

Vera Markovic

Student Paper Contest Coordinator

Iraqi Ali

Student Hardware Contest Coordinator

Neemat Abdelrahman

S-YP Transition Coordinator

Oussema Fitouri

Student Branch Counselors Coordinator

Krishna Ajith Kumar

Student Branch Chapters Coordinator

Vildana Hrnjić

Humanitarian Technologies and Entrepreneurship Coordinator

Mohamed Ali Zormati

Professional and Educational Activities Coordinator

Fay Majid Elhassan

Communications and Publicity Coordinator

Ahmed Ayman Abouelnour

Ex-officio from MGA SAC

Cybele Ghanem

Ex-officio from MGA SAC

Athanasios Kakarountas

Ex-officio from MGA SAC

Ad-hoc on Student Awards and Contests

Vera Markovic

Student Paper Contest Coordinator

Iraqi Ali

Student Hardware Contest Coordinator

Haris Čapelj

Yahya Al Balushi

Alkiviadis Michalitsis

Tawfik Sallemi

Qusai Mashriqi

Ad-hoc on Student Branch Leadership Support

Neemat Abdelrahman

S-YP Transition Coordinator

Oussema Fitouri

Student Branch Counselors Coordinator

Krishna Ajith Kumar

Student Branch Chapters Coordinator

Gina Paola Carrillo Castro

Andre Cakici

Matteo Bruno Lodi

Harout Topjian

Martijn Dendooven

Wadee Haj Ali

Ad-hoc on Student Experience Portfolio Initiatives

Vildana Hrnjić

Humanitarian Technologies and Entrepreneurship Coordinator

Mohamed Ali Zormati

Professional and Educational Activities Coordinator

Fay Majid Elhassan

Communications and Publicity Coordinator

Sahar Youssef

Abdulhameed Raji

Seie Vasiliki Soula

Gasser Amr Ahmad Mohmad

Jafar Alkhadrawi

Antony Gitau

Davide Morgado

Ex-officio from MGA SAC SPAx