■ Why? Recognize, annually, in each Region of the IEEE, the Student member most responsible for an extraordinary
accomplishment associated with Student Activities.
■ Why? Provide public recognition of exemplary IEEE Student Branch operations.
Awards will be presented to those Student Branches that are found to be operated in
a manner consistent with the goals of IEEE.
■ Why? Change the mindset of our student groups, from being number-driven to
becoming value-driven and to acknowledge exemplary student activities around the
world. The goal is to improve the quality of activities and to foster knowledge sharing
among students.
Outstanding Branch Counselor and Branch Chapter Advisor Award
■ Why? Aware of the unusual and dedicated efforts of Student Branch
Counselors and Branch Chapter Advisors, the Regional and Technical
Activities Boards sponsor a cash award to each of the approximately 20
outstanding Counselors and Advisors around the world.
■ Who? Student Branch Counselors and Chapter Advisors