The Robotics and Automation Society Chapter within the IEEE Romania Section has been established in mid 2018 with the goal of developing stronger ties among local members through  joint technical and professional activities and increasing the visibility of the relevant activities of its members at the IEEE level. The kick-off meeting was held at the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers of the University Politehnica of Bucharest in December 2018. The meeting included a detailed presentation of the RAS structure, conferences and publications, as well as other technical and membership development activities. An action plan for the upcoming year was discussed with the participating members. Open discussions enabled networking among members, with a good mix of participanting students, faculty members and industry representatives.

Plans for the future include driving member engagement with the group, under a balanced geographical and technical representation, as well as attracting young and enthusiastic members from both academia and industry. The chapter will seek to actively sponsor local workshops and conferences, organise engaging events of broad professional interest and reach out to r&d intensive companies for new collaboration opportunities. International relations and learning from the experience of other chapters are also of key interest, alligned with the RAS goals of advancing innovation, education, and fundamental and applied research in robotics and automation.


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