2024 IEEE Conference on Advanced Topics on Measurement and Simulation (ATOMS) – August 28-30, Constanta, Romania

The IEEE Conference on Advanced Topics on Measurement and Simulation (ATOMS) is a biennial forum for the exchange of information on the research and development with a focus on models, measuring techniques and simulation tools for engineering. It also aims to bridge the gap between different areas, such as electronic engineering, communications, signal processing, electric engineering, and environment protection, in terms of methods for modeling and experimental validation.
ATOMS 2024 is organized by Constanta Maritime University and by the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA of Bucharest. It is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Romania Section, by the IEEE Romania Section – Antennas and Propagation Society / Council on RFID Joint Chapter, by the IEEE Romania Section – Communications Chapter, and by the Romanian Association on Antennas and Propagation (RAAP).
Topics include, but will not be limited to:
Electromagnetics, radiowaves and antennas
Communication systems
Remote sensing systems
Photonics and electrooptics
Signals and systems
Electronic technology
Computing systems and information theory
Artificial intelligence
Applications in energy, environment, electrical and mechanical engineering
For more details, please visit the conference website.