Seminarium „Trends in Silicon Microelectronics”
Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium naukowe, na którym dr inż. Tomasz Brożek z firmy PDF Solutions wygłosi referat pt.: Trends in Silicon Microelectronics. Seminarium odbędzie się we wtorek, 7 stycznia 2025 roku o godz. 10:15 w Audytorium Centralnym Wydziału Elektroniki i Technik Informacyjnych przy ul. Nowowiejskiej 15/19. Seminarium jest organizowane przez Instytut Mikroelektroniki i Optoelektroniki oraz IEEE Poland Chapter.
Do uczestnictwa w seminarium zapraszamy studentów, doktorantów i pracowników oraz wszystkie osoby zainteresowane tematyką wystąpienia.
Seminarium będzie prowadzone w jęz. polskim.
Transistor evolution, interconnect miniaturization, and architectural innovations have been behind the Moore’s Law successful execution for last 5 decades. Every couple of years we have a new generation of Logic or Memory technology. This lecture explores the recent progress across silicon technologies used for manufacturing of logic (CPUs, GPUs and APUs) and memory chips. We will review scaling challenges and resulting changes in device architecture and material innovations.
Dr. Tomasz Brozek is a Senior Director and Senior Technical Fellow at PDF Solutions. He has been with the company since 2000. He has extensive experience in technology development, process integration, transistor and process characterization, reliability, and yield improvement. He worked with companies across the world to help with integration, process, and reliability of advanced logic, memory and image sensor technologies and products.
Dr. Brozek worked as an Associate Professor and lead research projects in microelectronics at Warsaw University of Technology, Poland and at University of California, Los Angeles. Before joining PDF Solutions he was with Motorola, working on technology development in Texas and Arizona.
Dr. Brozek published some 100 technical papers and conference presentations and holds numerous patents. He served on numerous committees of scientific and research conferences; he is also a Chair of the Technical Committee for Semiconductor Manufacturing of IEEE Electron Device Society.