IEEE EUROCON 2025 – Gdynia, Poland – The deadline is approaching
Call for papers
IEEE EUROCON 2025 – The 21st International Conference on Smart Technologies
4-6 June 2025, Gdynia, Poland (
The submission deadline – Feb. 15, 2025
EUROCON is one of the flagship conferences of the IEEE Region 8 – the largest region of IEEE, including Europe, Africa, and Middle East. EUROCON is a major international forum for the exchange of ideas, theory basics, design methodologies, techniques and experimental results between academia, research institutions and practitioners from industry. It covers all fields of electrical and electronic engineering, ICT and computer science covered by IEEE Societies
Submissions should focus on main topics including, but not limited to, the following main topics:
- Information Technologies
- Communication & Systems
- Automation Science, Engineering and Industry Applications
The accepted paper will be presented orally or as a poster, and will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore and indexed in key databases such as DBLP, SCOPUS, Ei Compendex, and IEEE. The authors of selected best papers will be invited to extend their contributions for special issues.
Keynote Speakers:
- Prof. Andrzej Cichocki – Tensor Networks and Deep Learning and their Applications in AI, Brain Computer Interface and Time Series Predictions
- Vincenzo Piuri – Artificial Intelligence in Cloud Computing and Internet-of-Things
- and others – please see the conference website
Please also see the currently proposed special sessions:
- Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities in Radio Communications of UAVs and Other Unmanned Vehicles
- Reliability and modelling of power electronics components
- AI based security of IoT devices in smart homes
- Industry 4.0 to 5.0: Technologies, Applications and Future Perspectives
- Power Conversion, Control and Cyber-secured EV Charging Solutions for Smart Grid Networks
- Smart Energy Storage Systems in Distribution Grid and Residential Applications
- The Future of Learning with Smart Technologies: Unlocking Potential through Smart Education
and proposed workshops:
- Smart Sea Technology and Ecosystem
- Communication Networks for Next-Generation Industrial Internet of Things
- Green energy and green storage systems: technologies, challenges and limitations
- Smart Technologies for Improving the Quality of Life of People with Disabilities