
Friday, 14.06.2024

ITSoc Norway Chapter Joint Seminar with Simula UiB and Selmer Center

Location: The “big” meeting room (Wolf), Simula UiB, Merkantilen (3rd floor), Thormøhlens gate 53D, N-5006 Bergen, Norway


Thursday at 13:00, 19.10.2023

Joint Seminar with the Department of Informatics, UiB, and ITSoc Norway Chapter

Location: Department of Informatics, UiB (HIB – Thormøhlens gate 55), N-5006, Bergen, Norway

ITSoc Distinguished Lecturer: Professor Michèle Wigger, Telecom Paris Tech, France

Title: Information-Theoretic Schemes for Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC)

Tuesday, 13.06.2023

ITSoc Norway Chapter Joint Seminar with Simula UiB and Selmer Center

Location: The “big” meeting room (Wolf), Simula UiB, Merkantilen (3rd floor), Thormøhlens gate 53D, N-5006 Bergen, Norway

  • 11:15 — 11:45. Ermes Franch (presenter) and Chunlei Li: Two New Algorithms for Error Support Recovery of Low Rank Parity Check Codes
  • 11:45 — 12:15. Wrya K. Kadir (presenter), Hsuan-Yin Lin and Eirik Rosnes: Efficient Interpolation-Based Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes
  • 13:15 — 13:45. Yauhen Yakimenka, Chung-Wei Weng (presenter), Hsuan-Yin Lin, Eirik Rosnes, and Joerg Kliewer: Differentially-Private Collaborative Online Personalized Mean Estimation

Our seminars are open to all interested parties. Please get in touch with us if you’re interested in participating.