All the 2023 DLs have visited Italy!
1 Dicembre, 2023
The evaluation of the MAG Italy Chapter’s activities in 2023, as the year is about to end, can boast an important result. All the four Distinguished Lecturers of the IEEE Magnetics Society, in fact, have delivered their lecture in Italy, within the activities of the Italy Chapter.
At the IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School, which was held in Carovigno (Br), from June 11th to 16th, we had the lectures of Manuel Vazquez, Susana Cardoso de Freitas, and Yoichiro Tanaka.
Manuel Vazquez also gave his lecture in Naples, at the University Federico II, on June 20th.
Finally, in September, Ping Liu gave his distinguished lecture first in Messina, on the 25th, then in Bari, on the 26th.