Upcoming Events

  • IEEE European School of Information Theory (ESIT), 4-9 May 2025, Ancona, Italy – The IEEE European School of Information Theory (ESIT) is an annual educational event organized by the IEEE Information Theory Society for graduate students from institutes throughout Europe and beyond. The objective of the school is to provide participants with the opportunity to learn from distinguished lecturers by attending long-format (3 hour) tutorials, to present their own work to obtain feedback and to start up collaborations, to hear about applications of information theory in industry, to participate in a stimulating and inviting forum of scientists.
    Website: https://r8.ieee.org/italy-its/ieee-esit-2025/

  • The IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Green Energy, 10-12 October 2024, Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia – The IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Green Energy (IEEE ICAIGE24) aims to gather researchers, academics, scientists and professionals worldwide to present and discuss their recent results and innovative ideas in the areas of artificial Intelligence and green energy including but not limited to renewable sources and electric vehicles. World-class speakers will be invited to share their experience and disseminate the latest developments, innovations and the future research trends in artificial intelligence applications, renewable energy conversion and management, electric vehicles control, embedded systems design, Fault diagnosis and fault tolerant operation, etc.
  • IEEE RTSI 2024, 18-20 September 2024, Lecco, Italy – The RTSI (Research and Technologies for Society and Industry) forum has been the flagship conference of the IEEE Italy Section for 6 years. In 2021 R8 approved to make this conference a R8 portfolio conference because of its industry focus.
    The main objective of RTSI is to bring together researchers and industry professionals in the technical fields covered by IEEE.

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To report or propose an event, simply complete the request form.