Biomedical Engineering: Opportunities beyond Academia
Biomedical Engineering: Opportunities beyond Academia
Join us for a live webinar on “Biomedical Engineering: Opportunities beyond Academia”, on Thursday 18 November 2021 at 18.00 (EET).
The event will allow biomedical engineers involved in areas outside academia to share their stories and experiences, as well as the challenges related to such career choices.
The event is co-organised with IEEE Young Professionals Greece affinity group and IEEE EMB Student Branches (NTUA, AUTH, UPatras, DUTh).
– Gerasimos Defteraios | Co-Founder and CIO, CRITIS MEDICAL SYNERGY
– George Loudos | Co-founder and CEO, BIOEMTECH
– Andreas Raptopoulos | Co-founder and CEO, WELLICS
– Haris Tsirmpas | Co-founder and CEO, SENTIO SOLUTIONS
Register here.
The presentations will be delivered in Greek.
Speakers’ Bio:
Gerasimos Defteraios earned his degree in Computer Science from California State University Northridge in 1992. He began his career as software engineer in the private sector in multinational projects related to data mining and visualization of official statistics. For the last 20 years he has led and managed several IT projects in the field of health and telemedicine. In 2012 he developed on behalf of the University of Crete the specialized EMR for ICUs “CritIS”. The system has been installed already in 9 ICUs in Greece, providing automatic data collection from medical equipment, and leading to a paperless environment. Gerasimos, is co-founder of the CRITIS MEDICAL SYNERGY, a University of Crete spinoff company, aiming to modernize the critical care environment and to make interaction of healthcare professionals with new technologies more friendly, efficient, and effective.
George Loudos is an Assistant Professor at University of West Attica and co-founder and CEO of BIOMETECH. He has participated as a coordinator or partner in more than 20 EU projects, has published >130 articles in international journals and has >250 publications in conference proceedings. He is the co-inventor of the “eyes” desktop imaging systems and the “fillable mouse and rat phantom”. He has been organizer of many international conferences, workshops and training schools. His research interests are focused on developing Molecular Imaging tools for fast, efficient and ethical early drug screening.
Andreas Raptopoulos (Dipl. Ing. MSc, MBA) received his diploma in Computer and Informatics Engineering from the University of Patras in 2005, his MSc in Computer and Telecommunications Networks from University of Athens in 2009 and his MBA from Athens Laboratory of Business Administration (ALBA) in December 2012. He works for more than 15 years as a research consultant and innovation manager in the private sector. He has been actively involved, technically contributed in and coordinated more than 20 research and innovation projects mainly in the ICT for Health field. He co-founded WELLICS in 2016 and currently holds the position of the CEO. Since 2014, he also works as an independent evaluator for the European Commission, as well as an external advisor to start-ups and new businesses.
Haris Tsirmpas is the co-founder and CTO of Sentio Solutions, a venture-backed startup based in SF developing digital biomarkers and therapeutics to change the way we diagnose, manage, and care for Mental Health. He leads product development, R&D, engineering, and clinical evidence. His PhD in Biomedical engineering focused on the Internet of Things in healthcare applications, and his research interests include areas such as data correlation, fusion in context-aware environments, and machine learning over heterogeneous data. Over the past 6 years, Haris has authored over 27 publications in international conferences and journals in the field of biomedical engineering.