Advanced telehealth services in the new era

Join us and Ilias Maglogiannis, Professor at University of Piraeus, for a live webinar on Thursday 08 October 2020, at 18.00 (EET).
The event is organised as part of the IEEE Day celebrations.
Register here.
Telehealth and telecare are entering a new era following the principles of pervasive and ubiquitous computing, which are Decentralisation, Diversification, Connectivity and Simplicity. Novel applications are utilizing efficient processing for filtering the unnecessary data, employ context awareness and state of the art technologies such as Cloud/Edge Computing, Internet of Things (ΙοΤ), wearables and advanced sensors. In this talk we will discuss methodologies and tools for composing intelligent pervasive human-centered systems, which will be able to understand the human state in assistive environments using audiovisual and biological signals. The presented methodologies aim to offer advanced services for the support of aged/disabled/chronic patients, detection of critical situations from audiovisual content and biosignals analysis for the detection of pathology as well as for treatment follow-up. Human computer interaction (HCI) issues and modern approaches such as the gamification of chronic disease management will also be discussed.
Dr. Ilias G. MAGLOGIANNIS is Professor and Head of the Dept. of Digital Systems in the University of Piraeus and Director of the Computational Biomedicine Laboratory ( His scientific interests include Biomedical Informatics, Telemedicine, Computer Vision and Pervasive Healthcare Systems. His published scientific work includes three (3) books (Springer, IOS press and Morgan Claypool Publishers) 120 journal papers and more than 300 international conference papers, while has been principal investigator in many European and National Research programs. Dr. Maglogiannis is also Vice Chair of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Greek Chapter, national representative for Greece in the IFIP technical committee TC 12 (Artificial Intelligence), President of Working Group WG12.5 (AI Applications) and member of the Working Group on Leading-edge Applications of the eMobility technology platform.