On March 17, 2020 the 1st ExCom + Satellite IEEE Germany EDS Chapter (ED15) Meeting took place virtually in Google Hangouts.

The Executive Committee reported the result of the past elections (term 2020/2021). In addition a report was held by the Chair on the ExCom on the meeting of the IEEE German Section in Frankfurt. Furthermore, a report of the Germany EDS Chapter was presented including the mission how to tackle the satellite approach and strength the position of EDS in Germany.

Some discussion regarding an EDS roadmap took place with the vision of pushing “More than More” and/or “Beyond More” in Germany, e.g. MEMS, SiC, etc. Furthermore, discussion took place how to involve/strength the YPs of EDS, e.g. establishing an Award. Many fruitful discussions took place, e.g. how to stabilize and increase the EDS members.

Besides, the new homepage of the chapter was highlighted (https://r8.ieee.org/germany-eds). Focus was also set on motivation to include content i.e. reports of activities, interests and specialties of each satellite. Here, some examples of the past events in 2019 were offered. After the short overview, an introduction session of each member took place. This was followed by an overview of the planned events for 2020, which were postponed to the second half of the year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A quick overview on the financial situation was offered and how to continue in the next meeting. Furthermore, a short discussion on a possible physical meeting in November took place.
