The IEEE Germany EDS chapter has elected new ExCom members for the term 2020/2021. An exciting new leadership team has been built to establish EDS activities in Germany.

The new ExCom:

  • Chair – Mike Schwarz (Robert Bosch GmbH)
  • Vice Chair – Joachim Burghartz (Universität Stuttgart, IMS Chips)
  • Treasurer – Manfred Berroth (Universität Stuttgart)
  • Secretary – Sevda Abadpour (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))

The new Chair Mike Schwarz is currently with the Robert Bosch GmbH working in the research and development department on design, modeling and simulation of MEMS sensors and systems. He is in the lead of MEMS diode design, process and device simulation. Besides, Mike is committed to volunteering work within IEEE, as he is Member of the IEEE Young Professionals (since 2015), Vice-Chair of the IEEE Young Professionals Germany Section (since 2019), Editor Western Europe EDS newsletter (since 2018), TPC MIXDES (since 2015), TPC QCIT (since 2018).

Joachim Burghartz the new Vice-Chair supported the German EDS activities for several years as chair. Since fall 2005 he is heading the Institute for Microelectronics Stuttgart (IMS CHIPS). In addition he is affiliated with the University of Stuttgart as a full professor. He serves or served IEEE EDS in many ways, such as as VP Technical Activities (2011-15), as VP Publication (2020-21), as an executive and technical committee member of numerous EDS sponsored conferences, and as BoG member (two three-year terms). He is the editor of the 60th/35th EDS anniversary book “Guide to State-of-the-Art Electron Devices” which received the PROSE award 2013. Joachim Burghartz is recipient of the 2014 EDS J.J. Ebers Award.

The Treasurer is filled by Manfred Berroth. Since 1996 he is Professor at the University of Stuttgart. He is senior member in IEEE and serves for many years as treasurer for IEEE EDS Germany Chapter.

Sevda Abadpour was elected to the new Secretary and completes the new ExCom. Since September 2017, she is a research assistant in Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics (IHE), KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany. Sevda is committed to volunteering work within IEEE, as she is Member of the IEEE Young Professionals, Secretary of the IEEE Young Professionals Germany Section (since 2019).

The new ExCom: Mike Schwarz, Joachim Burghartz, Manfred Berroth and Sevda Adapour.