Maui Hawaii, 1-4 October 2023

Special Session on : Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Methods, Techniques and Models

Submission Deadline: 15th April



Nada Matta (University of Technology of Troyes-LIST3N),

François Rauscher (InfoPro-Digital Company),

Marie Hélène Abel, (University of Technology of Compiègne)

Alvaro Rocha (University of Lisbon, IEEE Member), 

Brief Description 

Artificial Intelligence techniques are more and more needed by industries and society to handle digital transitions and sustainable environments. Research in this domain show main challenges to deal with especially linking between different approaches of data processing, semantic representations and decision-making support. The notion of AI hybrid techniques is nowadays discussed in research communities. We find more and more studies on combination of Supervised and Unsupervised Machine learning, explanation of data classifications and aggregation, distributed semantic representations and modular ontologies, Text Mining and knowledge representation, … 

The goal of the Special Session is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners involved in these complementary domains to confront research results and discuss key problems.

The major topics of interest of this special session include, but are not limited to:

− Knowledge Engineering and Representation (Ontologies and Logic language)

− Data Mining (Classifications and Aggregation) 

− Text Mining (Linguistics and semantic techniques)

− Machine Learning (Linguistics and semantic techniques)

− Multi-agent systems (cognitive and reactive)

− Recommendation systems (Decision Making and Context awareness)

− Knowledge Management (Knowledge discovery and Sharing)

Applications in several domains like Health, Crisis Management, Manufacturing, Logistics, Smart

Mobility, Smart cities, are welcome.

Paper Submission:  

To submit a regular paper, please follow :

Submission Deadline: 15th April