Dear IEEE Finland SP/CAS Members,

We are excited to announce the winners of this year’s IEEE Finland SP/CAS Best PhD and Best Master Theses competitions. Join us for the award announcement and short presentations by the recipients. The event will take place at in Lecture Hall Odeion, Room 2007, located at Maarintie 8 (TUAS-building), 2nd floor (directly from the entrance hall), Otaniemi at 11:00h on Friday, September 13th 2024.

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Award Recipients:

Master Theses Competition Winner:
Valtteri Karmitsa
Thesis Title: Pre-validation of SoC via Hardware and Software Co-simulation
Presentation Duration: 20/30 minutes


Dissertation Competition Winner:
Raju Ahamed
Dissertation Title: Millimeter-Wave Front-End Circuits for Wireless Communications
Presentation Duration: 20/30 minutes


The winners will provide a brief overview of their outstanding work, showcasing their contributions to the field of Signal Processing and Circuits & Systems.

Evaluation Criteria: The committee, led by Prof. Ari Visa and comprising professors from various Finnish universities, used the following criteria to judge the proposals:

  1. Problem importance
  2. Likely theoretical contribution
  3. Likely contribution to industrial practice
  4. Appropriateness of method/research design
  5. The time spent on the dissertation work

We look forward to your participation in this celebration of excellence in research.

Best regards,
on behalf of
IEEE Finland SP/CAS Board

Jose Maria Perez-Macias / Secretary


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