Workshop series on state-of-the-Art Audio and Video CODECS.
We are excited to announce a workshop series on state-of-the-art audio and video codecs, featuring deep dives into cutting-edge technologies that are shaping the future of media delivery. This series, held from May to November 2024, will feature presentations from industry leaders, including Nokia and Telefónica. Highlights include an exploration of AI-based codecs, insights into video codecs’ implementation from the mobile network operator’s perspective, presented by Telefónica. Additionally, the series will cover Nokia’s advancements in immersive voice and audio services (IVAS), offering an immersive demo session to showcase this technology.

Date: Wednesday, November 27th, 2024
Time: 08:45 – 13:00 (pre-emptive)
Main Venue: Tampere University, Room SE211
Audience: Students and IEEE Signal Processing and Circuit Analysis and Systems (SP/CAS) members

Program (pre-emptive)

Time Session
08.45-9.30 9:00h — Introduction to the Event – Presentation CAS. 75th Anniversary
Networking -Coffee and breakfast.
09:30 Session 1. Immersive Voice and Audio Services (IVAS)
1. Metadata assisted spatial audio coding with mobile devices (15 min) – Nokia
2. Immersive Voice and Audio Services (IVAS) Codec – the new standard for immersive communications (30 min) – Nokia
10:15 Break / Demo Session / Networking
10:30 Session 2: AI-Based Codecs
1. General Introduction to AI-Based Codecs – Nokia (15–20 min)
2. Deep Dive into Neural Video Codecs – Nokia (30 min)
11:15 Break and Demo Session / Networking
11:30 Session 3: Video Coding for Machines
– Deep Dive into Video Coding for Machines – Nokia
12:15-13:00 Closing Remarks / Break / Networking/ Lunch will be available / Networking

Additional Information