Message from the Pro-tem Chair- Prof. Gloria Chukwudebe

I am very happy to serve as the pro-tem Chair for IEEE Africa Council. Over the years, I have benefited immensely by volunteering for IEEE as Section Vice-Chair, Section Chair, and Conference Chair. I have acquired soft skills and expanded my network. The experience has positively impacted my life and professional work.

I want to express appreciation for the cooperation I have received from members of the IEEE Africa Area Committee, all Section and Subsection Chairs, and volunteers from various countries in Africa.

I thank in a special way, IEEE President/CEO, Jim Jefferies, the Region 8 Director – Margaretha Eriksson, past IEEE Presidents who created and sustained Ad-Hoc Committees on Activities in Africa (AHCAA), the Region 8 Excom, and all past and present AHCAA members.

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