PowerAfrica 2021: Call for Papers
The IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES), Industrial Applications Society (IAS) and IEEE Kenya Section are pleased to announce Call for Papers for the 2021 IEEE PowerAfrica Conference to be held in Nairobi in the week of August 23rd -27th, 2021.
Full Papers
Manuscripts should be of mature results or completed projects, at most Five (5) pages maximum in IEEE two-column format and must be submitted in PDF format via the Conference paper submission web-site.
Paper submissions should include results that have not previously been published and should not be simultaneously submitted to another conference.
Short Papers (*new)
Papers should present analysis of initial or final research results or a case study. General project descriptions are not appropriate. Submissions by practitioners (governmental, for-profit and nonprofit), academics, private sector actors and policy makers describing intervention design and implementation, field experiences and best practices, case studies, project monitoring and evaluation results, and original research are of particular interest.